By <b>Juan Montoya</b><br />When I was in grad school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison I got to know a few<i> movimiento</i> people who had been active in La Raza Unida, the Mexican American Youth Organization and MEChA, among others.<br /><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a>One of the most interesting was Mario Compean from Las Wilmas (San Antonio), who, for those of us old enough to remember, was the last Raza Unida candidate for governor of Texas.<br />Mario was working on his PhD in Educational Administration at the UW and acted as a sort of mentor to younger undergrads through the university's Chicano Advocate's office. Those of us from South Texas â" and there were Chicanos from throughout the United States there â" gravitated around a core group made up of Mechistas and upper classmen. A favorite gathering place was the university's Rathskleller at the student union.<br />Now, Wisconsin, being a beer-manufacturing state (the beer that made Milwaukee famous, among others), lent itself to the consumption of its products. The Rathskeller started serving beer at 11 a.m.<br />In the evenings, after classes concluded and a bunch of us gathered to shoot the breeze over a mug of Old Style beer, the tales would start flowing. What follows is one of the better offerings by Compean.<br />It seems that when La Raza activists would go to the outlying rural communities in Central Texas around Uvalde, Crystal City, etc., a part of the organizing would include the proper manner to conduct a meeting under Robert's Rules of Order. This, of course, would set off a round of protest from independent minded adult migrant workers.<br /><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a>"<i>Y quien es ese Robert?</i>" they would ask when the chair when he called them to order and allowed someone the floor. "<i>Porque manda el?</i>"<br />After a couple of these meetings, people generally caught on and by then the organizers were ready for most questions. That is, until they got to a meeting at a small town held in a church hall.<br />"<i>La raza</i> was getting into the meeting and following the rules of order until an old man stood up<i> bien enojado</i> and demanded to know why we wanted to get rid of <i>el mocho</i> (someone without an arm or leg)," Compean would say.<br />"<i>Yo nomas quiero saber porque quieren sacar al mocho</i>," the old man said. "<i>Oigo que saquen el mocho y que saquen el mocho. Que les hizo el mochito pa que lo quieran sacar</i>?"<br />It took a while for the organizers to understand the man's protest, but when they did, they burst out laughing, much to the man's displeasure.<br />"No, señor, they're saying that they second the motion, no que saquen el mocho!"<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>
By<strong> Juan Montoya</strong><br />Word has reached our listening posts that the campaign unleashed by UT Brownsville's President Juliet Garcia through her minions attempting to discredit a management evaluation of the $42 million in costs overrun on a $68 million construction bond project and raising the specter of massive faculty layoffs teed off the UT Regents and Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa.<br />In fact, one day after the planted article appeared in the Brownsville Herald predicting dire career futures for UTB faculty, none other than Cigarroa contacted the local daily to call the comments by the UTB spokesman "unfortunate and premature."<br />The spectacle of a media campaign using testimonial letters of former trustees to discredit the Spire Group report on the bond issue and the statements attributed to UTB Probost Alan Artibise and Michael Putegant, executive director of South Texas academic programs for the University of Texas System and special assistant to the provost for transition on the upcoming "rightsizing" of UTB staff left Austin fuming.<br /><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="220" src="" width="400" /></a>"The last thing the regents want is to get caught up in a provincial pissing match with the UT in the middle," said a UTB-TSC faculty member. "They told Garcia, Artibise and Putegant to cease and desist in no uncertain terms. One more such incident and Garcia and Putegant may be gone."<br />The public relations campaign to thwart the criticism that resulted from the community's knowledge of the $68 million bond issue approved by the voters that resulted in $109 million spent on the same projects so far without an end in sight, prompted an onslaught of media protestations from the UTB crowd, most directed against the consultants and the majority on the TSC board.<br />The "rightsizing" aspect of the media offerings came about as a result of projections that the student enrollment at the autonomous UTB campus would sharply decrease its numbers. That led to UTB administration's speculations that a significant number of UTB faculty would be let go, without assurance that they will be picked up by TSC after the UTB ranks are thinned.<br />"Can you imagine the work environment for those instructors now?" said the source. "Virtually everyone is walking on eggshells. No one known when their turn will come. How can anyone possibly feel comfortable working like that? And what administration of any institution of higher education would put out that kind of message to its workforce?"<br />Others say that as a result of the overspending â" and the heavy reliance on that "leveraging" on TSC assets top cover it â" the current TSC board's attempts to lower tuition and student fees has been hamstrung and might take longer than they planned.<br />"If the TSC board finds itself with even more encumbrances than they thought they had, it'll make things even harder for them than they thought," said a TSC majority supporter. "Whichever way you look at it, the funds are coming out of TSC or the local taxpayer. Sugar coat it if you will, but that's the truth."<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>
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