Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rrun Rrun


By <strong>Juan Montoya</strong><br />They go by darling names.<br />Lupitas, Riverside, Ministry, Mom and Pop, Cielito Lindo, La PLaza and even the Bronwsville Housing Authority's High Rise.<br />Yet, all these adult day-care and elderly housing facilities have one thing in common: they are all places that have willingly allowed&nbsp;politiqueros and politiqeras free access to harvest the votes of the elderly and the mentally-impaired clients.<br /><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="300" src="" width="400" /></a>As a result of the&nbsp;investigation into the massive voter fraud that occurred during the July 31 runoff election to prepare for the&nbsp;lawsuit filed by Yolanda Begum against Erin Hernandez Garcia in the JP 2-2 contest, it became evident that the managers and providers in these facilities had a hand in&nbsp;perpetrating the&nbsp;harvest of these votes.<br />Scores of&nbsp;taped interviews were gathered during that inquiry that shows that many of these day-care centers were allowing politiqueros paid by some candidates â€" mainly those&nbsp;working for the Hernandez machine â€" to have a run of their facilities convincing the gullible elderly to&nbsp;board&nbsp;the vans and vote according to their wards.<br />"The lady at the day care told me to come with her so we could vote," runs the common narratives from these elderly. "She said not to worry about anything. She said that afterwards we would get a plate of barbecued chicken."<br />Then, under the eyes of the day-care operators, the woman and a handful of her companions were loaded on the van, provided with a pre-marked sample ballot and told who to vote for. When they arrived at the polling place, their handlers told them not to alight the vehicle, even though they were not disabled and could have easily alighted and cast their vote on their own.<br />Election office personnel would come to the open doors of the van and ask the politiqueros how many ballots they wanted for the people trapped inside.<br />"I turned to my friend and told her that this didn't feel right," said an elderly woman. "It's getting to be like in Matamoros where they just tell you which name to mark."<br />This scene was repeated hundreds of times during the early walk-in voting period leading to the primary election and the runoff. In some case, some witnesses reported&nbsp;what they felt was blatant voter fraud and abuse.<br />Robert Gracia, a retired federal law enforcement employee felt so affronted by what he saw at the Cristo Rey Catholic Church&nbsp;early voting place that he called police and the newspaper to report it.<br />"It was gross," he told the local daily.<br />And Zeke Silva, who came across Norma Hernandez (Erin's mother and wife of Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez) and politiquero Amadeo Rodriguez Jr. as they were leading&nbsp;his father to a&nbsp;van, confronted them and&nbsp;prevented them from taking him.<br />It later&nbsp;turned out that the manager of the day care had prohibited Hernandez and Rodriguez from taking the elderly from the facility. Who authorized them? <br />"We think that there are providers and employees of the facilities who are paid to let the politiqueros take the elderly from the centers," said a volunteer for Citizens Against Voter Abuse (CAVA).<br /><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a>It is still unknown what the policy of the Brownsville Housing Authority to have allowed it become the domain of&nbsp;Norma Hernandez and her politiqueras who feel they are entitled to harvest the votes of the tenants there. Ernie Hernandez was a city commissioner for many years and may even have relatives working in the high-rise's management.<br />In fact, on the same day that the&nbsp;trial on Begum's lawsuit was to begin, a handful of politiqueras such as Herminia Becerra (in picture at left ) fanned out across the city to urge the subpoenaed witnesses not to&nbsp;show up in contempt of the court order. Herminia was photographed inside the high-rise by a Begum supporter.<br />When Begum was&nbsp;campaigning, Norma and her entourage appeared and harassed them taking pictures of them and shouting that&nbsp;Yolanda didn't have a law degree and that Erin did. There were also hushed whispers that Begum was a member of "el Cartel."<br />Since the services that the day-care&nbsp;centers are paid with federal funds and the high-rise is also the recipient of these funds, it stands to reason that federal authorities would take some interest in&nbsp;any&nbsp;Voting Rights violations that may go&nbsp;on there. Yet, locals are still waiting&nbsp;to see what the federal authorities in their bunker between&nbsp;Harrison and Sixth and Seventh streets are going to do.<br />"These excesses took place right down the street from them and they didn't see anything?," asked an incredulous county&nbsp;employee. "What are they waiting for, for the elderly to take the time to go knock on their door and give them statements?"<br />Regardless, as&nbsp;Rogelio Ortiz, the Cameron County Elections Administrator hems and haws at the thought of actually enforcing the Election Code, other&nbsp;eyes may be watching as then first day of early voting October 22 (this coming Monday) approaches.<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>

By <strong>Juan Montoya</strong><br />The Brownsville Unity Council has endorsed Raul Lopez for Justice of the Peace 2-2 and Caty Presas-Garica for Place 5 on the board of the Brownsvile Independent School Board, and earned the wrath of non-endorsees and cyber politiquero Erasmo Castro of Cheezmeh.<br />"As we move forward and steer this BISD ship in the right direction,The B.U.C. Brownsville Unions Coalition overwhelmingly endorse Mrs. Caty Presas-García for her Re-Election bid for Trustee Place 5.<br /><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="262" src="" width="400" /></a>Albert Alegria leader for (BEA) Brownsville Educators Association encourage Teachers, Classified, Administrators and Certified to support and VOTE for Mrs. Presas-García for a NEW VISION of Commitment to the education Community!"<br />No sooner had the BUC made the endorsement that the<em> mierda</em> hit the fan from the usual (and some unusual) quarters.<br />Don Clupper, a retired teacher running for Place 5 against Presas-Garcia, of course didn't agree with the labor unions' choice. And neither, apparently, did some bloggers, most noticeably a disgruntled cuber politiquero from Austin who fancies himself as a sort of Pied Piper for the forlorn&nbsp;voters of Brownsville. Erasmo Castro, who goes under the self-labeled title of Head Cheez, chided the BUC for supporting "anti-union" candidates. We suspect he thinks of Clupper, an Association Of Brownsville Educators member, and Lopez,a bail bondsman, of being anti-union.<br />Funny, but even the AOBE endorsed Butch Barbosa, also running in Place 5 against Presas-Garcia, and not Clupper, a retired algebra teacher. <br />Of course, there was no peep from Castro when the same AOBE endorsed GED certified&nbsp;Ruben Cortez over teacher and Assistant Superintendent from San Benito Celeste Sanchez with more than 45 years experience for the District 2 seat of the Texas State School Board of Education.<br />Catro's horse in the JP 2-2 race, Erin Hernandez Garcia is no labor leader, either. But we guess that just because Lopez is running as a Republican in Brownsville that makes him anti-union.<br />Brownsville, as folks are wont to say, is different than Austin, or for that matter, any other place in Texas. <br />Clupper, still under the delusion that&nbsp;Le Gran Fromage from Austin is going to&nbsp;deliver him the Place 5 election, makes liberal use of their page to deliver the typical sour-grapes message. He&nbsp;urges Caty to resign because of the mess at transportation. Mmm. Maybe he should deliver that message to&nbsp;Jose Hector Chirinos, a candidate to the board like himself. After all, the mess that exists there&nbsp;had its genesis during his watch. In fact, Presas-Garcia was one of the board members&nbsp;who approved the administration's recommendation to remove him after an audit was conducted in the department.<br />And to show just how petty&nbsp;El Señor Donaldo Clupper has become, he even commented that the number of patches on BUC officer Rico Bocanegra&nbsp;led him&nbsp;to believe that "he is a Camp Fire Girl. LOL."<br />Those of us with some experience in mass media know that a graphic composed the way the one that has the gun aimed at the BUC members and Lopez's heads is no fluke. It was done deliberately, even if cloaked in the "shooting themselves in the foot" rhetoric. It is a veiled threat and reveals the mindset of the rancid politiquero from Austin. He knows what he's doing.<br /><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="267" src="" width="400" /></a>Yet, he considers any comments made about him to be criticism from those that don;t understand his messianic purpose. He is, after all, a self-styled minister ready and&nbsp;look after his gullible (and dwindling) flock. In fact, he just about declares himself a martyr.<br />&nbsp;In a&nbsp;calculated display of Christian&nbsp;goodwill, he labels the "3 or 4"officers of the BUC "full of shit" and says their endorsement of Presas-Garcia will result in "more money for pachangas and beer at the Vermillion."<br />But, hey, he is willing to suffer the slings and arrows of his tormentors (for a slight fee, of course).<br />"Despite the fact that I am constantly in the minds (dare I say hearts?) of my detractors, I think little of them," intones Le Fromage. ""May we continue to unite as family-friends and as a community."<br />Across cyberspace, Mean Mister Brownsville's Jim Barton urges voters to vote against Presas-Garcia and Argelia Miller running for Place 3 against Otis Powers because he sees an evil conspiracy afoot where both women are "bitches" of Carlos Quintanilla, the Accion America activist who&nbsp;oversaw the formation of the PAC that defeated&nbsp;Rick&nbsp;Zayas and Ruben Cortez in 2010.<br />He then goes on to regurgitate the circumstantial links between the women and Ted Parker of HealthSmart,&nbsp;the&nbsp;health services provider sued by the BISD at the urging of the former majority in the waning days of the 2008 BISD board campaign.<br />Apparently, Barton has some grainy black and white photographs identifying someone who looks like Presas-Garcia and Quintanilla&nbsp;at the Grassy Knoll in Dallas when JFK was shot. <br />It is the common logic that when Zayas and Cortez&nbsp;convinced the majority (Joe Colunga and Rolando Aguilar and Minerva Peña) to file the lawsuit&nbsp;under the pretense they could recover $14.3 million from alleged overcharges by HealthSmart, they had their eye on the potential impact of the lawsuit on their re-election chances.<br />The voters didn't buy it then, Jim.&nbsp;And after spending $100,00s on that snipe hunt, it is highly doubtful that any board majority in the near future will open that Pandora's box again.<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>


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