<span style="font-weight: normal; "><a href="" style="font-style: normal; "><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 289px; height: 320px;" src="" border="0" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5717639399266845058" /></a><br />By </span><b>Juan Montoya</b><div style="font-weight: normal; ">There she was in all her splendor: Politiquera <i>sans par</i> Herminia Becerra styling the latest in political garb down the middle aisle of the Cameron County Courthouse on Harrison Street.</div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">Across the street, the fringes of the courthouse parking lot is fringed with the sundry political <span style="font-size: 100%; ">signs of just about every candidate running for the various positions up for grabs in county, state and federal primary elections to be held May 29 barring some glitch from the federal courts.</span><span style="font-size: 100%; "> </span></div><div style="font-weight: normal; "><span style="font-size: 100%; ">Pure white letters in a sharp font in a field of cotton-polyester blue, octogenarian Herminia's top bears a message for the season: </span><i style="font-size: 100%; ">Tu Voto Es Tu Voz </i><span style="font-size: 100%; ">(Your Voice is Your Vote, for our monolingual friends).</span></div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">On the flip side, the message reads (also white on a field of blue): <i>Si No Votas No Te Quejes</i> (roughly "If You Don't Vote, Don't Bitch, or something close). There is also a silhouette of the Statue of Liberty adorning the message on both front and back.</div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">We don't know what kind of influence Ms. Becerra might carry with the voters who will hopefully flock to the polls this May 29 and in the inevitable runoffs that will follow. The impact of these "political activists" has been debated for years. If you ask them, they will tell you (as Herminia does) is that they can sway hundreds of voters just on the weight on their <i>conocencia</i> with the people in the barrios.</div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">Others say that their impact has diminished commensurate with the increase of new (and younger) voters that come into the formula. Whatever the truth may be, some candidates such as Ruben Peña, who ran against recognized politiquera user Ernie Hernandez, now a commissioner for Precinct 2, went as far as to organize a group to counter </div><img src="" border="0" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5717641112064790130" style="float: right; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px; cursor: pointer; width: 246px; height: 320px; " /><div style="font-weight: normal; ">their influence on the outcome, to no avail.</div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">Herminia will tell you that she has been dragged into court, questioned by investigators from the Texas Secretary of State, and even stalked by the Peña minions as she went about her rounds gathering support for her candidates.</div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">Through it all, she has maintained that she is breaking no laws, and that her work in the barrios on behalf of the residents has earned her their gratitude and that they return the favors when an election comes around and she asks for support for her choices.</div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">Others are not as kind to her motives and methods. They charge â" as did Peña that her seeking votes for her candidates amounted to nothing more than a "harvesting" of votes from elderly voters who didn't even know who they were voting for, especially those mail-in votes that sometimes decide the outcome of elections.</div><div style="font-weight: normal; "><i>"Eso dicen los que no saben perder,</i>" she counters happily. <i>"Yo hable con el lloron</i> (crybaby)<i> Peña y le dije que me investigue trodo lo que quira. Ya llevo mas de 50 años de trabajar con la gente y nunca he perdido. Tengo mas de 200 votos."</i></div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">Well, not quite. We remember that there were some candidates who didn't quite make it, but who can blame her for trumpeting her political prowess? Doesn't everybody?</div><div style="font-weight: normal; ">And who can argue with the logic on the message on her<i> moda de la primaria de</i> 2012? It is true. Your voice is you vote, and if you don't bring out the vote to counter her, how can you complain about people like her?</div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>
<a href=""><img style="float: right; margin: 0pt 0pt 10px 10px; cursor: pointer; width: 347px; height: 481px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5717617695949980002" border="0" /></a>By <strong>Juan Montoya</strong><br /><br /><div>Yawn, well, we knew it all along.<br /></div><div>Our Stealth Mayor Tony Martinez (remember Believe in Brownsville?) is now a bedfellow of United Brownsville, the shadow government that now rules the destiny of Brownsville without having to answer to anyone but IBC president Fred Rusteberg.<br /></div><div>Rusteberg's United Brownsville, its tendrils stretching over every entity that matters in the Brownsville area, will now share the $500,000 Cueto Building with the mayor and the few bootlick commissioners who might wrangle their way to make do with an office there. At $1,000 a month for rental space to the phantom government, it's a deal that most businesses in downtown Brownsville would kill for. But what's a measly $1,000 to an organization that collects $25,000 in "donations" from at least seven area entities including PUB, the city, the port, UTB-TSC, BEDC, etc.?</div>Now that Rusteberg's United Brownsville is firmly entrenched and has the mayor sharing the tenement down the hall, it'll be easy to whisper sweet nothings to our sleeping mayor and keep him toeing the United Brownsville line.<br /><div>It's interesting to note that when Hizzoner went to Putegant Elementary recently, he read Dr. Suess's <em>"I Am Not Going to Get up Today."</em> The sublime message sent to the students was that just as he, The Mayor, didn't have to wake up to deal with the world, they, too, didn't need fret about stuff.</div>We weren't there to hear Tony read to the kids, but we imagine (that's that word again) that he told them he wasn't awake when:<br /><div></div><br /><div>1. He decided to gag the voice of the people by casting the deciding vote not to broadcast the public comment section of the commission's meetings.</div><br />2. He decided to pay off a dentist from Matamoros more than $100,000 for dental service to the city employees when he knew that the only presence the "doctor" had in Brownsville was a fake storefront in a nondescript office next to a pan dulce bakery.<br /><br /><div></div>3. He disappeared â" only to belatedly appear again after the smoke cleared â" to make a conciliatory statement after city police gunned down a 15-year-old at Cummings High School.<br /><br /><div></div>Then again, given the caliber of his representation of our community, it might be better if he remains in his deep slumber lest he wakes up and makes things worse.<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>
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