Monday, August 13, 2012

Rrun Rrun


By <strong>Juan Montoya</strong><br />The adult day care client is in her 70s.<br />One day, during the first round of early voting in the May 29 election, a woman appeared at their center and gathered a dozen day care clients and piled them in a van. Along the way she showed them pre-marked sample ballots on who they should vote for. When they got to the early voting site, they were told to stay inside even though they were perfectly able to walk and vote on their own.<br />"The driver and the woman with him went inside and came back out with the papers for us to vote," she recalled. "They came back and closed the doors of the van and helped us to mark the names that were on the yellow papers (sample ballots). Then they put them all together and took them inside. Then they took us back."<br /><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="" width="277" /></a>After the election, the same woman came back and helped her fill out a form saying that instead of going to the polling boot in the van she could vote by mail from he house. All she needed was for the woman to sign the application. She offered to help her do it. and she took the forms and said to call her when the ballot came in.<br />"She called me four or five times and when it came, she showed up and helped&nbsp;me sign my name and said not to worry, that she would fill it out and send it through the mail. She said that instead of going out in the hot sun it was easier to vote by mail."<br />And so the woman (a politiquera harvesting votes for the ticket that included Erin Hernandez, Carlos Masso and Abel Gomez), got yet another vote for the candidates paying her. On the card indicating who had mailed the absentee ballot was listed not the name of the woman who picked up the envelope from the woman, but rather the name of a man.<br />Apart from the obvious discrepancy, the coercion of the vote, the holding of captive voters in a vans while the oversaw and directed&nbsp;the filling out of the ballots, there was also one more telling fact surrounding this vote.<br />The woman is illiterate. She can neither read nor write. And yet, on two different occasions â€"&nbsp;being unable to read a polling-booth ballot or fill out an application for a mail-in ballot and much less read the name of the candidates â€"&nbsp;her vote counted according to the totals after the runoff election.<br />The woman's relatives are not happy.<br />"How can they take her to vote if she can't even read?" asked one of them. "And how can she know who to vote for in the mail-in if she doesn't even know their names and can't read?"<br />This is but one of the fraudulent votes that has been detected by the politiqueras allied with the Erin Hernandez candidacy for JP 2-2. The politiquera in question is well&nbsp; known and was working for her and her mother Norma as well as were others where fraudulent votes were cast.<br />"All this will come out in the trial," said a worker with the election challenge for Yolanda Begum, Erin's opponent. "People will be socked at what will be revealed."<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>


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