By <b>Juan Montoya</b><br />Guess who picked up an election package to the board of the Brownsville Independent School District and is announcing that he is ready to take on board member Catalina Presas-Garcia, the same Catalina that threw him off the board four short years ago?<br />Would you believe Otis powers?<br /><div>Yep.<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEia09y-jWAVpK8I8-58jEixylnWCyk8QzIRCdUITI9Z-JhQ2gIzhdhdJD_E62kr160fjRKmZqkNoVfAbKrIcDXTWtMdfLrZpQNfFxiF4eNPKIucXD6QQtzp1-ESQHny4GnejkGEKfnT84M/s1600/powers1.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEia09y-jWAVpK8I8-58jEixylnWCyk8QzIRCdUITI9Z-JhQ2gIzhdhdJD_E62kr160fjRKmZqkNoVfAbKrIcDXTWtMdfLrZpQNfFxiF4eNPKIucXD6QQtzp1-ESQHny4GnejkGEKfnT84M/s200/powers1.jpg" width="115" /></a>Otis Powers, whose in-laws and relatives such as his wife Sandra Powers (Special Services, Asst. Adm. - $102,885), Mary F. Atkinson Tolman (Special Programs-$103,505), and Sylvia Atkinson (Asst. Sup. for Curriculum & Instruction-$113,004) now occupy well-paid positions in the district. And let's not forget former city commissioner Charlie Atkinson, who was placed in a coaching position at Faulk Middle School while his sister Sylvia served as the Asst. Superintendent for Human Resources.<br />In this election in November, four sets on the board will be up for grabs.<br />Besides Presas-Garcia, Minerva Peña, Rolando Aguilar and Joe Colunga are up for reelection.<br /> None of the members whose seats are coming up for renewal has announced one way or the other if they will run. But already some of the names mentioned who will run besides Powers include, Jose Chirinos, Rachel Ayala, and Victor Caballero, former principal of Garden Park Elementary.<br />Chirinos and Ayala are compadres, so we might expect them to run as a ticket. Chirinos is the former director of Transportation before he was shunted off to curriculum and was drawing a cool $113,004 a year. Ayala was the former Asst. Super. for Educational Services (at $100,000-plus).<br />Powers, who fell before Presas-Garcia last time partly as a result of the electorate's distaste for electing board members who hold top-paying positions in the district, is also embroiled in a federal lawsuit involving the manipulation of the BISD grievance process in the case of Tony Juarez, the district's former Chief Financial Officer.<br />In that case, federal judge Andrew Hanen allowed the introduction of a tape-recording where Powers is urging Juarez to file a grievance against former Superintendent Hector Gonzales to give the board majority the justification to fire him.<br />At the time, Powers was not on the board but had a continuing relationship with the sitting board member on the majority (Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez, Rolando Aguilar, and Joe Colunga). Partly as a result of that taped conversation, the judge said there was enough evidence to indicate that a conspiracy existed to deprive Juarez of his constitutional rights.<br />In the tape recording Juarez took to the FBI, Powers is quoted as saying: "Soâ¦you gotta, you gotta, Iâ¦Iâ¦"Iâ™d file a grievance...Your grievance is against Hector Gonzales and the board is gonna love you for that."<br />Is Otis ready to be confronted over that continuing episode?</div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/6016803033174468094-8887219513486103550?l=rrunrrun.blogspot.com' alt='' /></div>
LINK: http://rrunrrun.blogspot.com/2012/07/say-it-aint-so-otis.html
By <b>Juan Montoya</b><br />You won't need seismic crew or vibrator trucks to find the oil deposits in plain sight in downtown Brownsville.<br />Just head over to the municipal parking lot on the corner of Washington and 11th Street and there you will be able to see that it is piled in chunks.<br /><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhVDh_GYV2_KLuZPoXNG6r3hs1zlJIR2SyzvwQFu3V-B4kLmxtZJimpWFV3Oh8wX0OmS3KFlqU2XHP2ItgtfEdrjvI83q2iX-Q_oenkIG8x4nx4G7iE9h_41sAH7jeOfxIVEqQxyIgxjR4/s1600/oil.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="215" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhVDh_GYV2_KLuZPoXNG6r3hs1zlJIR2SyzvwQFu3V-B4kLmxtZJimpWFV3Oh8wX0OmS3KFlqU2XHP2ItgtfEdrjvI83q2iX-Q_oenkIG8x4nx4G7iE9h_41sAH7jeOfxIVEqQxyIgxjR4/s320/oil.jpg" width="320" /></a>Like the Sumerians and ancient Egyptians who found uses for the seeps of raw tar that seeped from the unknown oil deposit below, we're sure that the City of Brownsville could hit upon a use for this unexpected bonanza.<br />The literature tell us that the ancient Sumerians, Assyrians and Babylonians used crude oil and asphalt ("pitch") collected from large seeps at Tuttul (modern-day Hit) on the Euphrates River. A seep is a place on the ground where the oil leaks up from below ground.<br />The ancient Egyptians, on the other hand, used liquid oil as a medicine for wounds, and oil has been used in lamps to provide light.In Brownsville, where we do things a little differently,it comes from above.<br /><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhtzMWUGJJlRebGVzX_8aOLjwAPQDTsqnSLCGsDRIStT1T7gznI8021QXBu7szL_PEjtAM01Rn8W-0Mt0fPWPrSXZ9GqayC8AH6NO0YRsVIzy2I0Py4XcyLREvyPRrz3yI2R97eRa6tKMo/s1600/oil1.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhtzMWUGJJlRebGVzX_8aOLjwAPQDTsqnSLCGsDRIStT1T7gznI8021QXBu7szL_PEjtAM01Rn8W-0Mt0fPWPrSXZ9GqayC8AH6NO0YRsVIzy2I0Py4XcyLREvyPRrz3yI2R97eRa6tKMo/s200/oil1.jpg" width="180" /></a><br />With Brownsville easily the hands-down victor in any contest for Pothole City USA, we're sure that Charlie Cabler and his handy stable of well-paid assistants could put the accumulated deposits seeping from old motors into the asphalt parking lot to good use.<br />Think of it as recycling, a practice that some on the city commission have taken to heart. We recycle politicians, clothing, tires, etc. So, why not recycle the ample quantities of burnt oil that is accumulating on our own city parking lots? It's a no-brainer!<br /><div>Forget about cigarette butts and chewing gum. Think oil, Rose. If you multiply one municipal parking lot times (how many do we have?), think of the barrels of oil we could recycle.<br />The British Columbia Used Oil Management Association estimates that one a single drop of used motor oil <br />can contaminate a million drops of water. Now can you imagine how much water is drained off from our oil deposits on the one parking lot and into the Rio Grande, Laguna Madre, Gulf of Mexico, etc.?<br />One of the biggest peeves that former PUB Chairman Robert Sanchez (Capt. Bob) had while on the board was the number of clunkers on Brownsville streets leaking oil that eventually ended up in the resacas. Well, we would think the Healthy Communities and Wellness bunch would jump allover this issue and leave the gum chewers and smokers alone now that they have been relegated to the outside fringes of our living spaces.<br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhcO4EN2yi-HgjLhAl3zSMTLhYGYZebl8LW9kxNThgTJ5VD7kWySctuxtwpi3bcKevLgPIpxO9EaIb6JJLzIY3N7RPkBHz64NjkFpODqfRQrD5x_ySTSr-Vn2phI7yfM-2JYVrUFF0cStw/s1600/oil2.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="456" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhcO4EN2yi-HgjLhAl3zSMTLhYGYZebl8LW9kxNThgTJ5VD7kWySctuxtwpi3bcKevLgPIpxO9EaIb6JJLzIY3N7RPkBHz64NjkFpODqfRQrD5x_ySTSr-Vn2phI7yfM-2JYVrUFF0cStw/s640/oil2.jpg" width="640" /></a></div><span style="background-color: white;"><br /></span></div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/6016803033174468094-6879882740767369127?l=rrunrrun.blogspot.com' alt='' /></div>
LINK: http://rrunrrun.blogspot.com/2012/07/oil-deposits-found-on-surface-in-d-town.html
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