By <b>Juan Montoya</b><div><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqV2B3hpTTBLmy1fd4byukSo3iVRZ-W51AcvFL4vtvGS8eT571cd4GK7CnKnY_t5TtTLEUWoHkmLo9Av6y00-pLt5HSrd7_reNnUn9KAjeMkv8AmnIv1BOPhTEwy5XIpJpGJ4VW7QSzUw/s1600/rh_chachalaca.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqV2B3hpTTBLmy1fd4byukSo3iVRZ-W51AcvFL4vtvGS8eT571cd4GK7CnKnY_t5TtTLEUWoHkmLo9Av6y00-pLt5HSrd7_reNnUn9KAjeMkv8AmnIv1BOPhTEwy5XIpJpGJ4VW7QSzUw/s320/rh_chachalaca.jpg" width="213" /></a>If you're lucky enough to live by a wooded area then you'll probably have heard the call of the chachalacas in the early morning hours and toward dusk.<br />The name of this tropical-forest bird comes from its distinctive cry <i>cha-cha-lac</i>, a sound many South Texas natives have grown to know. The female's cry is somewhat higher pitched. And the sound of a flock in full chorus is not to be forgotten.<br />In fact, there is only one species in North America and we have it here.<br />The birds -- with short rounded wings and long tails are generally secretive, albeit highly vocal. Generally, they are gray to brownish olive above with a small head, slight crest and a long, lustrous, dark-green tail tipped with white. <br />Jose Cuellar, who lives toward the Rio Grande in the city's southeast side, said the birds used to be seen in flocks scurrying along the underbrush. About the only time he knew they were then was when they would join in chorus toward dusk.<br />"There used to be a lot more of them before," he said. "But even then, you would hardly see them out in the open."<br />As the outlying areas around the resacas started getting cleared for housing developments, the chachalacas and other wildlife started moving away from the city. However, the new consciousness about protecting the environment and its potential as an economic boom in ecotourism has moved local leaders to set aside areas and limit their development.<br />"Believe it or not, I believe some of the wildlife is returning," said Maria Maldonado, who lives along Browne Road toward Boca Chica. "I had never heard such a racket in a long time when I heard the chachalacas just the other day."<br />Although basically a plain bird, the male does sport a bare patch of skin on its throat which turns pinkish red during breeding time. And some tail feathers are distinctive with their splash of white as they fly from low branches of trees.<br />Traditionally, the birds have inhabited the tall chaparral thickets along the Rio Grande. It feeds in trees, chiefly on leaves and buds. But like the state bird, the mockingbird, it has a passion for the red-hot piquin peppers that dot the South Texas landscape and are cultivated in many local homes for use as a spice.<br />"I thought I heard something heavy on my roof and though it was a possum trying to get to the trees," said Edward Sanchez, who lives near the Las Prietas are on the city's west side. "But I looked out the window and three chachalacas scampered toward the piquin bushes and started feasting on the red peppers."<br />Sanchez said that the bushes, usually the domain of the chicos, were left alone when the big birds arrived. The mockingbirds watched from a high branch as the chachalacas ate furtively before flapping toward the branches of a low tree next door.<br />The Valley chachalacas, called<i> O. Vetula Macallis</i> by biologists, is but one of the many species of its genus. Its relatives spread into Mexico and Central America, live by waterways and are considered good game birds.</div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/6016803033174468094-8163127677632153062?l=rrunrrun.blogspot.com' alt='' /></div>
LINK: http://rrunrrun.blogspot.com/2012/07/can-you-hear-chachalacas-lucky-you.html
By<b> Juan Montoya</b><br /><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj18xZvUlojOQoxWAcOxhfgbTM3xYjxs0rtFbzxIFzVUioDK-Y8p4OZIHVf4WhMfRq_7FWuTowgh_h7QGIfrnraK_ypf2jEktPREONoe2gKEJ3W4n2k-FeXBaU3gPJIyZ4fwCHhT0t0_2I/s1600/celeste250x375.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj18xZvUlojOQoxWAcOxhfgbTM3xYjxs0rtFbzxIFzVUioDK-Y8p4OZIHVf4WhMfRq_7FWuTowgh_h7QGIfrnraK_ypf2jEktPREONoe2gKEJ3W4n2k-FeXBaU3gPJIyZ4fwCHhT0t0_2I/s1600/celeste250x375.jpg" /></a>Even as he was courting voters with cupcakes at Chef Ricardo's on Tuesday, former Brownsville Independent School District trustee Ruben Cortez has been mailing campaign literature filled with misleading statements and outright lies about his opponent in the runoff for the District 2 spot on the Texas State Board of Education.<br />His opponent Celeste Zepeda Sanchez, a school board member with the San Benito ISD, not only has a bachelor's and a Master's degree in education but has spent more than 45 years as a teacher, counselor and administrator. In contrast, Cortez possesses a high school diploma (GED?) and has used his family's political connections to claw his way to his current level.<br />His mother is a local Justice of the Peace and other relatives are prominent in law enforcement and real estate. One of his business partners is a local attorney who was also ejected by the voters in the BISD school board.<br />After the BISD voters rejected him in the last election, he somehow managed to convince board members at other school districts to vote him to the Region One board. Now he wants to be on the state board of education.<br />Yet, if you go by the voting precincts today, you will see that Cortez has blanketed each site with his campaign signs paid people to be at each one. He has also erected tents at each one to convince people he is the person to vote for in the state school board election.<br />One of his "facts" in the mail-out is that his opponent "admits that she does not need the advice of teachers."<br /><div>The fact is that Sanchez has been saying (and living) just the opposite. </div><div>"I have been saying that teachers should be part of the solution and should be involved in setting state standards and curriculum," Sanchez asserts.</div><div>Cortez also lies outright when he tells voters that Sanchez "believes in high stakes testing."</div><div><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi6QoPev6eMvFrd49iYBTYXWVwonUvI6gDjB2wkihY192KESzFviZ4UgW2CPCIXj5B3c5qwhFOJSBcWcXiKOiI5Ysb1SPASZLRLewy-djfCUSXYZLZeDMiCY3z2A5dLy1pwvZlEkUgDDtI/s1600/rcort.gif" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="220" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi6QoPev6eMvFrd49iYBTYXWVwonUvI6gDjB2wkihY192KESzFviZ4UgW2CPCIXj5B3c5qwhFOJSBcWcXiKOiI5Ysb1SPASZLRLewy-djfCUSXYZLZeDMiCY3z2A5dLy1pwvZlEkUgDDtI/s320/rcort.gif" width="320" /></a>"He's lying," she retorts. "I have been saying exactly the opposite."</div><div>Then he blames her for saying that she is "directly responsible for our two low performing schools (in San Benito)" but fails to say that the San Benito district also have acceptable, recognized and exemplary schools. Lastly, he states that Sanchez "wants to keep the old hard cover textbooks and that he wants technology."</div><div>Based on Sanchez's record, there is documented fact that this is exactly the opposite of what she has been saying all along.</div><div>"This, too, is a lie and my record here with the use of technology money to improve our schools proves this to be a lie," she said.</div><div>The Texas board of education is at the moment embroiled in a struggle to correct the version of history in the textbooks our children read. With Cortez's adherence to lies about his opponent, what can we expect from him on that board? Hopefully, the voters will look past his cupcake version of the truth and won't let him have his cake and eat it, too.</div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/6016803033174468094-6894301501026367275?l=rrunrrun.blogspot.com' alt='' /></div>
LINK: http://rrunrrun.blogspot.com/2012/07/from-ruben-cortez-lies-and-cupcakes.html
By <b>Frank Morris</b><br /><div>Chairman, Cameron County Republican Party<br />Since I last recommended Adela Garza For Congressional District 34, much has happened. </div><div>She was the top voter getter in a three way Republican Primary race, but she is in a tough run-off election with Jessica Puente Bradshaw. </div><div>The winner of that run-off election will face the likely Democrat nominee, Filemon Vela. Mr. Vela has raised and spent over $250,000.00 in his primary elections.</div><div>Money and the ability to raise it, is very important in elections. </div><div>For example, my campaign to defeat Yvonne Gonzales Tourielles for State Representative cost close to $350,000.00 to $400,000.00. Ms. Bradshaw has raised according to her late-filed campaign finance reports a paltry $20,000.00. </div><div><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi0E6i8iT8DebruRdZNjVjh9uSRM3CI4WDlhsauRQ6roaigEciGZwfxqQZI46M0XGw4q9InjLSW9MXyV3RwHW21mSxbl8lw-0yvHlUb3c273b87x0PuSEaLCWH563SCk9SugmS2PM5my60/s1600/adela1.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi0E6i8iT8DebruRdZNjVjh9uSRM3CI4WDlhsauRQ6roaigEciGZwfxqQZI46M0XGw4q9InjLSW9MXyV3RwHW21mSxbl8lw-0yvHlUb3c273b87x0PuSEaLCWH563SCk9SugmS2PM5my60/s320/adela1.jpg" width="240" /></a>Whereas, Mrs. Adela Garza has raised over $100,000.00 and now qualifies for Congressman Pete Session's "Young Guns" program money which should match her $100,000.00 when the run-off election is over, and should put her close to $200,000.00 in August.</div><div> So in terms of money, Mrs. Garza is the only candidate who can even hope to go toe to toe with Democrat Filemon Vela.<br />Mrs. Adela Garza has also received the endorsement of her former boss, Congressman Blake Farenthold and the entire Republican Executive Committee of Cameron County.</div><div>Cameron County holds over 3/5 ths of the population of this Congressional District. Please see the attached exhibits. They recognize Mrs. Adela Garza as the quality Republican candidate in this race.<br />The saying goes "all politics is local," and the unfortunate fact for Ms. Bradshaw and Mr. Vela is that they only recently moved back into Congressional District 34 and can be painted as opportunistic carpetbaggers for this open congressional seat. </div><div>Mrs. Adlea Garza has lived 30 plus years in the district and Cameron County being much like any other county in this State will prefer a local known candidate.<br />Mrs. Garza is a tough, small businesswoman, who has held and now holds elected office in Cameron County.</div><div>For this and many more reasons, I urge you, your family and friends to vote for Adela Garza. She is the only Republican who can win in November, and if we lose this seat to a Democrat in this General Election, we will be looking at a Democrat incumbent for decades, much like Salomon Ortiz and Ruben Hinojosa. </div><div>Early voting is going on at the Courthouse until Friday and the Election Day is July 31, 2012.</div><div><br /></div><div><i>Frank Morris: County Party Chairman, State Republican Party Executive Committeeman, Caucus Chairman at the State Convention for Senatorial District 27 and Congressional District 34</i></div><div><i>Oscar X. Garcia: County Party Treasurer</i></div><div><i>Norma Tovar: Executive Director for the Southern County of the County Party<br />State Republican Party Executive Committeewoman, Senatorial District 27<br />Staff Precinct Area Supervisors/Coordinators:<br />Tommie Elium : Gulf Coast Area 5 Precincts, Pct 83 Chair</i></div><div><i>Winifred Marshal: Mid County Area 6 PrecinctsAssistant to Executive Director Southern County of the County Party<br />Pct 16 Chair, Miguel Uribe: Area 1, East/Southmost Brownsville Area 8 Precincts<br />Pct 48 Chair, Mary Lou Villarreal: Area 1 Assistant Coordinator for 8 Precincts<br />Rosalinda Pena: Area 2, Central/South Brownsville Area 11 Precincts<br />John Barham: Area 3, West Brownsville Area 13 Precincts.<br />Pct 12 Chair, Eddie Padron: Area 4, North Brownsville Area 11 Precincts<br />Pct 72 Chair, Cameron County and Senatorial District 27 2008 Volunteer of the Year<br />Alternate Delegate to the 2012 National Republican Convention<br />Sandy Fredrichs: Greater San Benito Area 8 Precincts<br />Pct 19 Chair, Bobbie Scott: Assistant Staff Coordinator, Greater San Benito Area 8 Precincts.<br />Linda Baker: Assistant Staff Precinct Area Coordinator for the Greater Harlingen Area<br />North 16 Precincts and the Northern 5 Pcts in West County Area<br />Pct 39 Chair, Ida Stacy: County Party Secretary<br />Staff Precinct Area Coordinator for the Greater Harlingen Area South 11 Precincts, and the Southern 3 Pcts in West County Area.<br />Pct 42 Chair, Cameron County and Senatorial District 27 2010 Volunteer of the Year<br />All of the above listed individuals are key members of the Republican Party Cameron County Executive Committee. They carry out the daily responsibilities of the county party.</i></div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/6016803033174468094-3641582571847408641?l=rrunrrun.blogspot.com' alt='' /></div>
LINK: http://rrunrrun.blogspot.com/2012/07/gop-leaders-endorse-adela-only-one-who.html
By <b>Juan Montoya</b><br />The son of an elderly man who saw his father being herded unwillingly aboard a van and given a sample ballot with the ovals for three candidates filled at a local adult day care has filed terroristic threat charges against Norma Hernandez, the mother of JP 2-2 runoff candidate Erin Hernandez Garcia and her son Ernie Hernandez III.<br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhvnOFKJHFnlkRte_bi3O5NDh5ahAWR9NXcPOE_Lya8b7L24GYpAuiRc5tq6CYqX1lOLJr9Cjymm2W4wqKWQ5OqGC2JMpojyIqCZJ8WUeL-KRBksd2P3g21ytvi84bcMjl8lsOeSMHUOtE/s1600/VAN.JPG" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="298" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhvnOFKJHFnlkRte_bi3O5NDh5ahAWR9NXcPOE_Lya8b7L24GYpAuiRc5tq6CYqX1lOLJr9Cjymm2W4wqKWQ5OqGC2JMpojyIqCZJ8WUeL-KRBksd2P3g21ytvi84bcMjl8lsOeSMHUOtE/s400/VAN.JPG" width="400" /></a></div>The ovals on the sample ballot given to the elderly residents as they were boarded onto the vans by Hernandez and her helpers were next to the names of Carlos Masso, Erin Hernandez Garcia, and Abelardo Gomez.<br />Masso's name was marked with the biggest arrow followed by Erin Hernandez Garcia with a smaller arrow and then Gomez with the smallest arrow.<br />Masso is in a runoff race for Cameron County District Attorney with Luis Saenz. Hernandez is in the runoff contest with Yolanda Begum for JP 2-2, and Gomez is in the runoff with incumbent Pete Avila.<br />According to the police report filed in the case, the 43-year-old man arrived with his wife to pick up his father Tuesday at the Los Amigos Adult Day Care on El Paso Road when they saw the man's father being directed toward a blue van by a provider with the day care who was outside the building and directly in front of the ramp the elderly use to walk outside instead of to his relatives vehicle.When the man questioned the woman and told her that she could not force his parent to get into another vehicle, she responded that "her boss wanted her to get people and put them in another van to take them to vote."<br />At that time, the man reported that Norma Hernandez appeared and confronted him and "threatened to cause him harm," swinging a clipboard she was carrying with her. He further told police that Norma's son Ernie III later called him and told him he was, "going to beat him up and kill him."<br />What had started up as a disturbance escalated into a complaint of terroristic threats, according to the police narrative in the incident.<br /><div>Both the man and Norma Hernandez called the police to report the confrontation and neither was arrested. However, the terroristic threats complaint was being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Division of the Brownsville Police Department and the man gave a taped statement later in the day.According to the initial report, when the man arrived at the day care, a convoy of vans was parked blocking the doorway and exit to the parking lot. The reporting officer reported that the man had "verbally harassed her while she was at the location trying to pick people up so they could go vote. Hernandez informed that she was parked at the location and that the suspect arrived while she was escorting people to the polling place."<br /><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRoxST380UiV5EbBeWJxrKljqDUz3VZHNha6sP4R5dXcZuZVHQfORlg0Hm-EPe6i44-9U8s1Bxkzb2cfYa0_bivT73dY_gttTbL3pu9O-soOay-Rg-qSSL2WEKRGzg3j8ecQrInZLQiew/s1600/ballt.JPG" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="400" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRoxST380UiV5EbBeWJxrKljqDUz3VZHNha6sP4R5dXcZuZVHQfORlg0Hm-EPe6i44-9U8s1Bxkzb2cfYa0_bivT73dY_gttTbL3pu9O-soOay-Rg-qSSL2WEKRGzg3j8ecQrInZLQiew/s400/ballt.JPG" width="310" /></a>She said the man was angry because his father was one of those who were being put in the van and that "it was a misunderstanding and that she thought the suspect's father needed a ride to vote."<br />She said she tried to apologize but that the suspect had gotten aggressive and verbally abusive toward her and her assistant Margarita Torres.<br />However, the man's version is very different.<br />He told police that when he arrived, the Hernandez group's vans were blocking the sidewalk where he was going to pick up his father who uses a walker and asked them to move. At the time the group was directing his father to one of the Hernandez vans and handing the elderly the marked sample ballots. He told police both Hernandez and Torres told him they could park there because they were picking people up. <br />Then, as the officers were taking the statements from both parties, Virginia Sandoval, the Los Amigos day care manager, arrived on the scene. As the officers informed her of the reason for the confrontation, "Sandoval informed (them) she did not give anyone consent to go and use the parking lot as meeting ground...(She) further stated that she does not want the complaintants (Hernandez and Torres) and to please remove the vehicles. Sandoval informed that the parking lot is only for the residents and the family of the residents."<br />Norma Hernandez and Torres then complied and said they would not be shuttling people to the polling place. </div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/6016803033174468094-1905573017222624554?l=rrunrrun.blogspot.com' alt='' /></div>
LINK: http://rrunrrun.blogspot.com/2012/07/norma-hernandez-and-politiqueras-force.html
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