<a href=""><img style="MARGIN: 0px 10px 10px 0px; WIDTH: 328px; FLOAT: left; HEIGHT: 276px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5687450656091262882" border="0" alt="" src="" /></a>Julieta "La <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_0" class="blsp-spelling-error">Santissima</span> <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_1" class="blsp-spelling-error">Putissima</span>" Garcia can't do the little things right any more. She ran her Saturday graduation like a cowboy herding cows into a corral. It was a stampede at the <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_2" class="blsp-spelling-error">UTB</span>/<span id="SPELLING_ERROR_3" class="blsp-spelling-error">TSC</span> campus. Garcia, as a result of her lack of preparation and management, ruined a special moment for thousands in attendance.<br /><br />"Hordes of people clamoured to enter the Jacob Brown Auditorium right before the 2 p.m. ceremony, many expressing anger and disappointment that they couldn't see their family member or friend's graduation in person," noted The Brownsville Herald, which has traditionally been little more than a propaganda machine for the embattled and embittered educator.<br /><br />"The voters turned against her," echoed another detractor. "<span id="SPELLING_ERROR_4" class="blsp-spelling-error">TSC</span> terminated her as president. The <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_5" class="blsp-spelling-error">bloggers</span> rip her daily for her incompetence. The <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_6" class="blsp-spelling-error">UTB</span> History Department issued her a vote of no-confidence. Her political support lessens each day. And now she can't even do the simple things of overseeing a graduation. She has become Brownsville's Saddam Hussein. The icon has fallen from her pedestal."<br /><br />"It didn't seem to have the same spirit," said Maria Rodriguez, who attended the graduation but had to witness the ceremony from an overcrowded room at a distant room. "Everyone clapped, but it wasn't the same."<br /><br />The Herald, surprisingly merciless in its coverage, took the people's side against the powerful Garcia. The reporter on the scene quoted a source as "disappointed with the school's management of the crowds. She said she and her family didn't receive accurate instructions about where to park or where to go watch the televised ceremony."<br /><br />"There were people who waiting in line for hours only to find out they were in the wrong line," excoriated another outraged individual. "The line for the 9:30 graduation was too long, half of the line for the 11:00 graduation could not even make it to the Jacob Brown, and the 2:30 line was rudely pushed and shoved by people that were cutting in line.<br /><br />"The <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_7" class="blsp-spelling-error">UTB</span> security were mostly chatting, <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_8" class="blsp-spelling-error">texting</span> or inside Jacob Brown while the attendees were fighting among themselves for a spot in the long lines of this cold and wet day."<br /><br />Garcia, in her usual arrogant manner, displayed no emotion amid the tumult and disorder. She seemed more interested in listening to <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_9" class="blsp-spelling-error">TSC</span> Trustee David <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_10" class="blsp-spelling-error">Oliveira</span> relate his adventures as a failed bartender before embarking on his public career as a failed politician.<br /><br />"Amid all these successes, we had the failed example of a person who fails to accept that she is a failure," observed a former Herald reporter. "Garcia and her gang tried to destroy higher education in Brownsville. Ironically, they destroyed themselves in the process."<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>
<a href=""><img style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 400px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 300px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5687337762950814066" border="0" alt="" src="" /></a><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>
<a href=""><img style="MARGIN: 0px 0px 10px 10px; WIDTH: 260px; FLOAT: right; HEIGHT: 320px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5687329079880556354" border="0" alt="" src="" /></a>This will go down as the beginning of the end for Julieta "La <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_0" class="blsp-spelling-error">Santissima</span> <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_1" class="blsp-spelling-error">Putissima</span>" Garcia, but she isn't crashing and burning without dragging other individuals and organizations into the depths of degradation with her. The university's baseball program is the latest victim as a result of her dramatic fall from grace.<br /><br />"The baseball team, comprised of many Brownsville and Valley players, didn't bring her sufficient glory," opined Max Maxwell, dean of the Rio <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_2" class="blsp-spelling-error">Grande</span> Valley sportswriters. "She prefers winning volleyball and soccer championships with mercenaries from Europe and South American.<br /><br />"Except for taking money from Brownsville students and taxpayers to finance her illusions of grandeur, she doesn't give a damn about her own people. La Julieta is the monster that the <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_3" class="blsp-spelling-error">Ku</span> <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_4" class="blsp-spelling-error">Klux</span> <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_5" class="blsp-spelling-error">Kardenases</span>, the St. Joe Mafia, the corrupt and incompetent Cameron County Democratic Party and the reactionary Republicans led by Bill 'El <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_6" class="blsp-spelling-error">Borracho</span>' Hudson and Terry 'King' Ray created to feed on us."<br /><br />An admirer of <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_7" class="blsp-spelling-error">UTB</span>/<span id="SPELLING_ERROR_8" class="blsp-spelling-error">TSC</span> historian Dr. Anthony <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_9" class="blsp-spelling-error">Knopp</span> predicts that Garcia will be remembered as La <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_10" class="blsp-spelling-error">Malinche</span> of the border in her failed attempt to destroy <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_11" class="blsp-spelling-error">TSC</span> in order to deliver to her white masters in Austin $500,000,000 in Brownsville assets.<br /><br />"Greed and power drove her over the edge," noted the pundit. "Shakespeare would have been hard pressed to depict a villain or a tragedy of this magnitude. She possessed the foundation to build a junior college of 20,000 students feeding a university of 10,000, but she elected to raze <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_12" class="blsp-spelling-error">TSC</span> and mount a monument to herself.<br /><br />"She had no vision. Ambition had blinded her. Fortunately, democracy toppled the dictator. Behind that whitewashed facade prowls a dark, evil person. We are blessed that the Fabulous Four put an end to her treachery."<br /><br />Will <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_13" class="blsp-spelling-error">UTB</span> terminate her? There is an overwhelming agreement that <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_14" class="blsp-spelling-error">TSC</span> should have fired her a decade ago. The <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_15" class="blsp-spelling-error">BISD</span> would have never tolerated her excesses and abuses as the school district's superintendent.<br /><br />How much more harm will she do as the junior college and the university endeavor to separate peacefully in a joint effort to achieve the higher educational goals envisioned by the icon Dr. Arnulfo <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_16" class="blsp-spelling-error">Oliveira</span>?<br /><br />"She and her political puppets 'Little' Bobby Robles, David 'Sperm Belly' <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_17" class="blsp-spelling-error">Oliveira</span> and <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_18" class="blsp-spelling-error">Beto</span> 'Kid Killer' <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_19" class="blsp-spelling-error">Lozano</span> will conspire against <span id="SPELLING_ERROR_20" class="blsp-spelling-error">TSC</span> as long as they remain in power," added one of South Texas' most respected muckraking journalists.<br /><br />"They fail to comprehend that the train has left the station. They want to derail Brownsville's date with destiny. Incredibly, they don't understand that an independent junior college and an independent university are the best of both worlds educationally and economically for Brownsville. Our progress is inextricably tied to their egress."<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>
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