Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mean Mister Brownsville

Mean Mister Brownsville

Did You Vote for Tony Martinez? Are You Satisfied with What He Has Accomplished So Far?
<div><h2 class="uiHeaderTitle">&nbsp;</h2></div><div class="clearfix"><div class="mbs uiHeaderSubTitle lfloat fsm fwn fcg"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div>by <a href="">Jim Barton</a> on Wednesday, December 28, 2011 at 4:01pm</div><div class="uiHeaderSubActions rfloat"></div></div><div class="mbl notesBlogText clearfix"><div><br /><br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="320" rea="true" src="" width="307" /></a></div><br /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Despite 5 candidates in the race, Tony Martinez won mayoral election without a runoff, a notable feat.&nbsp; He ran against an incumbent and &nbsp;a sitting city commissioner among others.&nbsp; Now, seven months later we have an opportunity to access his job performance.&nbsp; What did you expect the mayor to accomplish?&nbsp; Has he met your expectations?<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;Actually, almost any conclusion drawn about the man based on his campaign, had to be an assumption, because he said nothing of substance prior to the election.&nbsp; We knew his favorite color was blue and that he "believed in Brownsville."&nbsp; We didn't know how blue his administration would actually make us feel or whether he believed in a Brownsville "as is" or a Brownville that could be made better.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Perhaps, like me, you anticipated a man with a yellow legal pad of ideas, some crossed out due to impracticality or budget constraints, but many others still in play.&nbsp; How can we streamline city government, making it more efficient?&nbsp; How can we get more citizens involved so that more than 4% vote in elections?&nbsp; How can we jumpstart downtown revitalization?&nbsp; My dream was that Tony be Brownsville's Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, not necessarily spending his own monies, but making damn sure our tax monies are appropriated surgically.&nbsp;getting rid of waste and wasters.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Instead, we got a ceremonial guy, royalty, a figurehead like Queen Elizabeth.&nbsp; Even when Tony had a golden opportunity handed to him to restore the broadcast of public comment at commission meetings, he responded dimwittedly:&nbsp; ""I'd like to continue doing things the way the previous administration did them.&nbsp; It's been working pretty good so far.&nbsp; I don't want to change that."&nbsp;&nbsp; Does that sound to you like words from an idea man?<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Border security concerns, one of the most visited issues night after night on local news is also downplayed by Tony.&nbsp; He&nbsp;tells us&nbsp;at a UTB/TSC seminar on border security that he and his two sons went dove hunting recently without incident.&nbsp; He proclaims our borders safe and chides those who say otherwise as politically ambitious.&nbsp; Drugs flow north, weapons flow south, victims of kidnapping are locked in stash houses, residents between the border wall and the river cringe as they hear gunfire,&nbsp;while Tony worries about image, appearances.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Back on April 19 at the UTB/TSC Mayor Candidates Forum, Tony Martinez clearly identified the drafting of a new ethics code as the "top priority"&nbsp;of a&nbsp;Martinez administration.&nbsp; Since Tony said so little of substance during the campaign, I jotted that down.&nbsp; Assuming a strong work ethic coupled with a desire to get our city functioning efficiently and ethically, some of us fully expected Tony to be a man of his word.&nbsp; Literally dozens of model city ethics codes exist on the internet and from other sources that could be tweaked to fit our city.&nbsp;&nbsp; Certainly other Texas cities have codes that could be tailored for Brownsville.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We reported in August:&nbsp; "City Attorney Mark Sossi was handpicked by Mayor Martinez to initiate the process.&nbsp; Sossi reported to the commission 7/19/11 concerning the research, thought process and focus so far which amounted essentially to&nbsp;having read&nbsp;the San Antonio and Dallas codes, a 20 minute effort at best.&nbsp; Later in that meeting Mayor Martinez expressed his desire to be included in the committee to draft the code.&nbsp; My recollection is that City Manager Charlie Cabler would be included in that committee along with a commissioner or two."<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Since Sossi's report on July 19,&nbsp;five more&nbsp;months have passed.&nbsp; Remember once a final draft of an ethics code is submitted and approved, language in the City Charter has to also be changed to allow for penalties for violations of the code.&nbsp; Brownsville's last ethics code expired in 2006.&nbsp;&nbsp; Still, we here nothing about the draft of a new ethics code.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mr. Mayor, you've been in office now for seven months.&nbsp; The mayorship is a job you actively sought.&nbsp; You have not yet communicated a vision for the city, yet alone worked toward its reality.&nbsp; Brownsville deserves better.</div></div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>


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