Friday, December 16, 2011

Mean Mister Brownsville

Mean Mister Brownsville

2011 "Mean Mister Brownsville" Public Disservice Award Recipient
<div><h2 class="uiHeaderTitle">&nbsp;</h2></div><div class="clearfix"><div class="mbs uiHeaderSubTitle lfloat fsm fwn fcg">by <a href=""><span style="color: #3b5998;">Jim Barton</span></a> on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 11:04pm</div><div class="uiHeaderSubActions rfloat"></div></div><div class="mbl notesBlogText clearfix"><div><em>Dear Readers:&nbsp; This piece will not include pictures as Staples did not deliver my new computer as promised.&nbsp; Manager Jorge did kindly issue us $20.00 worth of coupons for our inconvenience.&nbsp; </em><br /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There is on no&nbsp;one big bad wolf in Brownsville.&nbsp; Corruption is a cooperative effort.&nbsp; Abe Limas, Conrado Cantu, Jason Hilts and Jim Solis do not operate in a vacuum.&nbsp; They need collaborators, enablers, co-conspirators.&nbsp;&nbsp; Nor is corruption the only hindrance to progress.&nbsp; Mayor Tony Martinez, nominated for this award, has no whispers of corruption, but simply has no ideas to improve our city.&nbsp; He believes in Brownsville "as is", occupying a ceremonial position not unlike Queen Elizabeth of England, the consumate ribbon-cutter with no plan for the city.&nbsp; Tony has no sleepless nights agonizing about&nbsp;Brownsville's multitudinous challenges.&nbsp; He sleeps well, thank you very much, likely between silk sheets.&nbsp; Yet, he is not our awardee.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Much nominated Ernie Hernandez, Jr. is a titilllating potential award winner to be sure.&nbsp; Once elected to office, by fair means or foul, Ernie becomes the city's or county's ultimate vendor.&nbsp; Do you need printing?&nbsp; Ernie provides.&nbsp; Wrecker service?&nbsp; Ernie provides.&nbsp; A vending machine with Coca-Cola and Frito-Lay?&nbsp; Ernie provides.&nbsp; Ernie does whatever Ernie does because Ernie wants to without respect for the ignorant electorate.&nbsp; Ernie's ultimate "fuck you" to the community was his orchestration of the employment of his convicted brother-in-law Robert Cadriel.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Frequently nominated were the "Majority 4" at BISD:&nbsp; Catalina Presas-Garcia, Enrique Escobedo, Luci Longoria and Christina Saavedra.&nbsp; Obvious greed and self-service have moved this unsavory foursome to betray our city's children.&nbsp; But to quote Bob Dylan, "they are only pawns in the game".&nbsp;&nbsp; Carlos Quintanilla, the convicted&nbsp;R.I.C.O. felon, the con artist lingering, manipulating, orchestrating behind BISD scenes is the real culprit.&nbsp; Yes, the "4" succumbed, but he was the tempter or temptor, Satan in the garden.&nbsp; The "4" referred to Carlos as their "brother", but he was really their mentor, leading them unto calabaza.&nbsp; But, wicked as Carlos is, he is not our award winner.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Corruption needs a favorable climate.&nbsp; Just as quarterbacks used to avoid Deion Sanders side of the field, corrupt politicians gingerly step around an enforcer.&nbsp; Brownsville has none such.&nbsp; We have a District Attorney merely occupying an office, but not doing his job.&nbsp; Armando Villalobos has sidestepped every opportunity to prosecute corruption in Brownsville and Cameron County.&nbsp; Why?&nbsp; Because he wants higher office and is afraid of angering any segment of the electorate.&nbsp; He could easily have brought Carlos Quintanilla up on perjury charges.&nbsp; But he chose not to.&nbsp; He looked the other way when Ernie Hernandez broke many rules in orchestrating he brother-in-law's hiring.&nbsp; He stepped aside on Pat Ahumada.&nbsp; Armando has not done the job he was elected to do, creating, fostering a climate of corruption.&nbsp; Armando Villalobos is the 2011. Mean Mister Brownsville Public Disservice Award winner.&nbsp;&nbsp; Congratulations Armando.&nbsp; Or not.&nbsp;</div></div><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div>


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